31 agosto 2014

What is Africa's ODA spent on? EURACTIV Infographic

Around 40% of the European Commission's Overseas Development Aid (ODA) goes to Africa every year. The continent has received more than a quarter of the €2.7 billion increase in the aid budget since 2005 and, in 2009, aid for trade to the African, Caribbean and Pacific States increased to €3.6 billion.
But where does the money end up?

30 agosto 2014

PLMJ lança Guia de Investimento em Portugal

Guia de Investimento em Portugal

O investimento em Portugal e a internacionalização da economia Portuguesa tiveram ao seu dispor, no último período de programação dos fundos estruturais ao nível comunitário (2007-2013), um conjunto de instrumentos de apoio enquadrados através do chamado “Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional” (“QREN”).

A prossecução deste desígnio foi assegurada pela concretização, ao nível dos diferentes Programas Operacionais e com o apoio dos Fundos Estruturais e do Fundo de Coesão, de 3 grandes Agendas Operacionais Temáticas, que incidiram sobre 3 domínios essenciais de intervenção: o Potencial Humano, os Factores de Competitividade da Economia, e a Valorização do Território.

União Europeia e Cabo Verde chegam a acordo sobre novo protocolo ao Acordo de Parceria no domínio da pesca (RAPID)

A União Europeia e Cabo Verde chegaram a acordo sobre um novo Protocolo ao Acordo de Parceria no domínio da pesca entre a União Europeia e a República de Cabo Verde. 
O Protocolo de 4 anos substituirá o Protocolo em vigor, que expira em 31 de agosto de 2014, e irá permitir que 71 navios da UE possam pescar atum e outras espécies altamente migradoras nas águas de Cabo Verde. Em contrapartida, a UE aumentou a sua contribuição financeira e pagará anualmente a Cabo Verde 550 000 euros, durante os dois primeiros anos de aplicação, e 500 000 euros por ano para os últimos dois anos. 
Os Estados-Membros com um interesse especial no novo Protocolo são Espanha, Portugal e França.

Para mais informações, consultar o Acordo de Parceria no domínio da pesca com Cabo Verde.

How to Secure Funding for Your Startup (INFOGRAPHIC)

02 agosto 2014

Leadership in Social Enterprise : How to Manage Yourself and the Team | SCHWAB FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP

For social entrepreneurs building and growing their companies, the understanding and practice of leadership are critical for their organization’s long-term success. They also must overcome myriad challenges, including the constant balancing act to protect the social mission while striving for growth and commercial success, the combination of volunteers and paid staff within the same organization, and the high expectations from a wide variety of stakeholders regarding their integrity, accountability and openness for stakeholder participation.

Based on in-depth interviews and case studies, as well as a global survey conducted by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, the Leadership in Social Enterprise manual serves aims to support the founders and chief executive officers of social enterprises by providing advice that is tailored to the realities of mission-driven organizations at various stages of their development.

We would like to thank the members of the Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneurs’ Task Force for their contributions to this collaborative effort: Andreas Heinecke, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dialogue Social Enterprise, Germany; Reed Paget, Founder and Managing Director, One Earth Innovation, United Kingdom; Bart Weetjens, Director, APOPO, Belgium; Sarah Mavrinac, Founder, aidha, United Arab Emirates; and Timothy Ma Kam Wah, Member, Committee to the Board, Senior Citizen Home Safety Association, Hong Kong SAR.

This manual would not have been written without the crucial support of Magdalena Kloibhofer from the EBS Business School and Anna Krzeminska from Leuphana University/University of Queensland. We would also like to thank both researchers for their close collaboration with the Social Entrepreneurs’ Task Force through regular calls, interviews and a survey to compile this manual.

We hope this manual on leadership in social enterprises provides a practical tool “from social entrepreneurs for social entrepreneurs” to better cope with key leadership challenges and that it facilitates a fruitful exchange within the social enterprise community. However, it is only as useful as you find it. Please send us your feedback to incorporate into subsequent versions.



Anderson da Cruz Andrade - África do Sul -  Draft 1 entregue e revisto Aneia Leónidas Céu Rodrigues da Costa - Hungria  -  Draft 1 entregue ...