24 janeiro 2015

Dossier: The future of ACP-EU relations post-2020 [ECDPM]

The dossier The future of ACP-EU relations post-2020 is an overview guide designed for policy makers, practitioners and interested stakeholders in ACP and EU countries and summarises European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) publications and analytical resources from recent years covering issues of relevance to the Cotonou Partnership Agreement and ACP-EU relations.

Section 2 presents a selection of ECDPM resources that cover perspective on the future ACP-EU relations, the changes in the global world order that have impacted the ACP-EU relations and presents scenarios for the future of both ACP-EU relations and the ACP Group itself.

Section 3 presents a selection of resources focusing on specific elements of the Cotonou Agreement as a basis for further analysis on whether and how these specific elements could be brought forward in future ACP-EU relations.

Section 4 presents some of ECDPM’s work on complementary, competing or alternative structures. These look at relations governing strategic partnerships between the individual ACP geographic areas and the EU, including the Joint Africa-EU Strategy, the Joint Caribbean-EU Strategy, and the EC Communication on a Pacific-EU partnership.

Section 5 presents other ECDPM overview resources.

The permanent URL of this page is ecdpm.org/acp-eu-2020.

15 janeiro 2015

Horizon 2020 two-stage submission system: Experiences and tips

By Istvan
On the 12th January 2015

Horizon 2020 brought a number of significant changes compared to its predecessor Framework Programmes or similar schemes in terms of rules for application for funding, financial management and reporting. One of the major differences from previous practices was the introduction of the bi-annual work programmes, which provide the opportunity for all those who intend to submit proposals to have a better understanding about the Commission’s expectations and to start developing their concepts and planning their activities long before the given call or topic becomes open for submission.

Most of the calls are available for only either the first or the second year (2014 and 2015 respectively) of the bi-annual work programme (WP) similarly to FP7’s annual WPs which featured all the calls open for the given period. However, there are a few calls which were designed to maximise the number of proposals by announcing them without any major changes for both years of the covered period. This latter case offers great potential for a re-submission, in which case the applicants can improve the quality of the proposal based on the evaluators’ comments in the evaluation summary report prior to re-submitting it under the same call the following year. In other words, you can consider this opportunity as a “proof-reading” of your concept carried out by the independent experts of the EC, which on one hand takes a rather long time to go through, but on the other hand the feedback will feature all the major shortcomings of your initial proposal, which prevented it from getting funded, giving you the chance to fix them and to improve its overall quality significantly, thus increasing its potential in the upcoming period.

Let me give you a personal example about this. The first and so far only set of bi-annual work programmes for H2020 was released in 11 December 2013 revealing those priority areas for 2014 and 2015 in which the EC sought progress. After thoroughly screening these documents, I identified a topic which was open not only for 2014 but for 2015 as well with two distinctive submission deadlines (April 1, 2014 and September 3, 2014 respectively). The “two-stage” submission system allowed the consortium to focus on the core scientific aspects of the concept and to summarise its goals in maximum 15 pages. We received the evaluation feedback three months later informing us that the proposal did not proceed to “stage 2” for a number of reasons detailed in the report. If this would have happened in FP7, our options would have been limited to accepting the decision and waiting until the following year’s work programmes would be released to see if there are any relevant calls in them matching our idea.

 Instead, by having the evaluation of the first attempt under its belt, the consortium immediately started working on the proposal in order to make it fit for the same call open in 2015. Even though the remarks in the Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) were quite general, rather short and a bit vague, they did shed some additional light in some aspects which were not properly addressed before. If you have a complex idea and combine it with some advanced cutting edge technology description, you may end up being the only guy around who actually understands what your concept is about and meant to achieve. In such cases the very text you wrote and which you consider solid as rock and perfectly straight to the point might become the biggest obstacle to get your idea funded, simply because none of the evaluators will be able to follow your train of thought and thus they will judge your efforts to be out of scope, inadequately addressed or confusing, partly because they misinterpret it.

This is the very scenario we had to face when the first ESR was received. What I thought to be very clear, scientifically solid yet properly phrased, the evaluators concluded to be “partly irrelevant, confusing and insufficient in terms of its proposed impacts”.

The first few minutes after reading the evaluation was primarily spent on fighting off the surge of injustice and mistreatment I felt over the official point of view about my proposal. Once I recovered from this initial state of shock, I tried to read my work once again with a fresh eye while making efforts to identify those bits which had triggered such a devastating evaluation result. And surprisingly, when I was able to put aside my pride and confidence, I had to realise that no matter how indefinite or vague the evaluation statements sounded, they were appropriate. It was neither the concept which was faulty, nor the technology which won’t advance the state-of-the-art; it was the way of describing them for those who hadn’t spent their previous few months immersed in the subject.

From that point onwards it was relatively easy to realise that all I needed to do was to make certain bits easier to understand and put the whole concept into laymen’s terms to ensure a general understanding. This piece took significantly less amount of time than writing the first stage of the proposal before, which is quite fortunate since the deadline for 2015 was around the corner. It was submitted to the EC on time, and to finish the story with a happy ending, the positive evaluation results were received the last week before Christmas informing us that it passed the minimum threshold and we were invited to submit a full proposal for Stage 2 of the evaluations.

I was amazed how big of a difference some changes in the wording can bring. Because I must say, that none of the technical parts or the overall concept was modified by the slightest compared to the first attempt. All we did was putting extra emphasis on the way we convey our ideas towards the evaluators who might have a similar field of expertise but cannot be hoped to be an expert on the given subject. If you think about the proposal as a custom-made suit, the first one was a decent piece which will not let you down most of the cases, but it lacked the details which admit you to the fanciest of parties. The second, reworked text can be considered as the same suit, improved with a few touches by an Armani tailor. And voilá, you are permitted to enter parties which were earlier out of your limits.

Lessons learned from this:
  • Do not expect the evaluator to be an expert in your very particular field, therefore make sure to present your concept also in a more global context.
  • Try to read your texts as if you were the evaluator; try not to bridge certain logical gaps in your head only but make them appear in the text too, making it easier to follow for the evaluators. If you cannot abstract from the text, ask someone to have a fresh eye and mind on the proposal.
  • Try to “use” the EC’s evaluation services as a guide to fine-tune and improve your existing proposals for a successful future submission.
  • If possible, identify calls which are open in both years in order to save time and efforts when submitting an upgraded proposal.

12 janeiro 2015

Horizon 2020: a practical guide to succesfull proposals


Michael Arvanitis [Perfil LinkedIn]

Michael is a technology consultant, lobbyist, science journalist and sales wizard. Michael works with strategists, lobbyists, engineers, corporations and sales managers to ameliorate the interaction between people and new technologies. Michael writes, blogs, influences, plans and talks about making technology more understandable for people and more profitable for companies.  

Michael has worked for many years in the academia and he used this experience in building successful start-ups in both the US and Europe. He has a deep knowledge on funding mechanisms, including Venture Capital, public openings and institutional funding. Michael has managed more than thirty international projects covering a wide range of social and economical activity.

Michael has served, and still does as a part time, as an evaluator and member of several committees at the European Commission for Research and Development. He is an active investor and founding partner of several Venture Capital firms in the US, Europe and Asia.

Doing Business 2015 : Going Beyond Efficiency

Doing Business 2015: Going Beyond Efficiency, a World Bank Group flagship publication, is the 12th in a series of annual reports measuring the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 189 economies—from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe—and over time.

Data in Doing Business 2015 are current as of June 1, 2014. The indicators are used to analyze economic outcomes and identify what reforms of business regulation have worked, where and why. This year’s report introduces a notable expansion of several indicator sets and a change in the calculation of rankings.

Doing Business measures regulations affecting 11 areas of the life of a business. Ten of these areas are included in this year’s ranking on the ease of doing business:

  • starting a business,
  • dealing with construction permits, 
  • getting electricity, 
  • registering property, 
  • getting credit, 
  • protecting minority investors, 
  • paying taxes, 
  • trading across borders, 
  • enforcing contracts and 
  • resolving insolvency. 
Doing Business also measures labor market regulation, which is not included in this year’s ranking.

Main Findings

Doing Business 2015: Going Beyond Efficiency finds that entrepreneurs in 123 economies saw improvements in their local regulatory framework last year. Between June 2013 and June 2014, the report, which measures 189 economies worldwide, documented 230 business reforms, with 145 reforms aimed at reducing the complexity and cost of complying with business regulation, and 85 reforms aimed at strengthening legal institutions - with Sub-Saharan Africa accounting for the largest number of such reforms. Read about business reforms.

Tajikistan, Benin, Togo, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Trinidad and Tobago, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Azerbaijan, Ireland and the United Arab Emirates are among the economies that improved the most in 2013/2014 in areas tracked by Doing Business. Together, these 10 top improvers implemented 40 regulatory reforms making it easier to do business.

Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 5 of the 10 top improvers in 2013/14. The region also accounts for the largest number of regulatory reforms making it easier to do business in the past year—75 of the 230 worldwide. More than 70% of its economies carried out at least one such reform.

For the first time this year, Doing Business collected data for 2 cities in 11 economies with more than 100 million inhabitants. The economies are: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, and the United States. The added city enables a subnational comparison and benchmarking against other large cities. Differences between cities are more common in indicators measuring the steps, time and cost to complete a standardized transaction where local agencies play a larger role, finds the report.

Case studies highlighting good practices in 8 of the areas measured by Doing Business indicator sets are featured in the report: the growing efficiency of company registries in starting a business; zoning and urban planning in dealing with construction permits; measuring quality of land administration in registering property; importance of registries in getting credit; going beyond related-party transactions in protecting minority investors; trends before and after the financial crisis in paying taxes; judicial efficiency supporting freedom of contract in enforcing contracts; and measuring strength of insolvency laws in resolving insolvency. See all case studies.

The report this year expands the data in three of the 10 topics covered, with further plans to expand on five topics in next year’s report. The Doing Business rankings are now based on a distance to the frontier measure. Each economy from the 189 economies measured is evaluated based on how close their business regulations are to the best global practices. A higher score indicates a more efficient business environment and stronger legal institutions.

02 janeiro 2015

African Development Report 2014 – “Leveraging Regional Integration for Inclusive Growth”

Africa’s regional integration has been a key economic and political aspiration since the independence decade of the 1960s – some 50 years ago.
It is also an important pillar for the work of the African Development Bank, which is celebrating its 50th Anniversary as Africa’s premier development finance institution during 2014.
It is thus opportune for the African Development Report 2014 to once again reexamine the imperative of regional integration for Africa’s development: looking at what has changed in terms of argument and facts on the ground in the past half century, and to what extent the pursuit of closer economic and political integration is still relevant for the continent.

The Report comprises six chapters:
  1. the relevance of regional integration in a changed global context; 
  2. the importance and role of regional economic communities;
  3. the impact of regional infrastructure;
  4. the implications of the interregional migration of factors of production, notably labour; 
  5. regional financial integration and the platforms required to raise its impact on regional commerce and economic growth and; 
  6. how best to link Africa to global production and trade through regional value chains.
The Report’s main conclusion is that regional integration is still a relevant pillar for Africa’s development, although the global context has changed greatly since the continental goal was first introduced in the 1960s. The challenge going forward is not so much the formulation of new policies but rather the implementation of those formulated in the recent past. This will require political resolve and heightened institutional capacities. The policy arguments and main messages of the Report are summarized below:
  • Africa’s overlapping memberships in regional economic communities is not a critical constraint to advancing the integration agenda. What is most crucial is the presence of functioning formal structures that ensure that the regional relationships have real meaning. For RECs to undertake inclusive regional integration policies, it requires greater commitment from member states in implementing them at the national level.
  • African countries must be better linked through roads, railways, ICT, power infrastructure networks, and ports and harbours. But regional infrastructure development facilitates inclusive growth only when it supports productive employment, poverty alleviation and the reduction of inequality.
  • A “coalition of the willing” approach should be encouraged in advancing the management of regional migration, instead of merely relying on immigration control. RECs should recognize regional qualifications, encourage regional pooling of skills and coordinate annual immigration quotas according to skills gaps in national labour markets. Additionally, regional policies should include equitable access to quality public health care and education for migrants as a key provision. Reducing the costs of remittances would also improve the prospects for recipient economies and the people left behind.
  • The development of cross-border banking, capital markets as well as other regional financial infrastructure in Africa could lead to the economies of scale required for economic takeoff. This will require a stable economic environment and the use of rigorous standards that should not undermine institutions’ capacity to innovate and meet the needs of the underserved.
  • Firms are now seeking their comparative advantages in niches that supply only portions of the global demand for goods and services. In light of Africa’s recent high growth, a number of opportunities for local firms to increase their supply of inputs into regional retail supply chains and commercial food activities have arisen. The growth of trade generates in turn domestic employment. Regional value chains can be a key avenue for inclusive growth in Africa.  

Africa Sector Outlook - Dezembro 2014 - Recursos em prol do desenvolvimento

Research Setorial, Novo Banco
  • A riqueza energética de África
  • África do Sul / Setor Mineiro – papel central na economia
  • Angola / Comércio – boas perspetivas de crescimento
  • Argélia / Gás natural, ponto de rutura ou de viragem?
  • Cabo Verde / Turismo – o motor imprescindível
  • Costa do Marfim / O maior exportador de óleo de palma da África Ocidental
  • Marrocos / O desafio industrial
  • Moçambique / Gás Natural – concretizar a visão
  • Indicadores macro-económicos, repartição sectorial do PIB e comércio internacional

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