25 maio 2021

Lista final de Trabalhos de Investigação 2021


13 julho:
  • Marrocos | Beatriz Barateiro (RIIIEBF)
  • Guiné-Bissau | Ana Pereira (RINLI)
  • Gâmbia | Flávia Soriano (RINLI)
20 julho:
  • São Tomé e Príncipe | Cindy Mogadouro (RIIIEBF)
  • Tanzânia | Ruth Silva (RIIIEBF)
  • Índia | Alexandra Coutinho (RINLI)
27 julho:
  • Namíbia | Kássia Alves (RIIIEBF)
  • Zâmbia | Mara Rodrigues (RINLI)
  • Costa de Marfim | João Bias


7 julho:
  • Eritreia | Filipe Marques
  • Zimbabué | Bruno Pavão
  • Lesoto | Ana Oliveira
14 julho:
  • Madagáscar | Carla Oliveira
  • Burundi | Igor Castro
  • Maláui | Cláusio Carvalho
21 julho:
  • Maurícia | Jessica Catoja
  • Ruanda | João Silva
  • Quénia | Francisca Duarte
28 julho:
  • Etiópia | Fernando Sapalo
  • Comores | Sofia Torres

FRAGILE STATES INDEX: The world in 2020


12 maio 2021

Most Influential Projects | Project Management Institute

Most Influential Project of 2020

Backed by major players ranging from Mastercard to The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Wellcome, the US$125 million COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator aims to identify, accelerate and scale potential COVID-19 treatments by coordinating R&D efforts.


03 maio 2021

Soil Atlas of Africa and its associated Soil Map | EUROPEAN SOIL DATA CENTRE (ESDAC), Joint Research Centre


The first ever SOIL ATLAS OF AFRICA uses striking maps, informative texts and stunning
 photographs to answer and explain these and other questions. Leading soil scientists from Europe and Africa have collaborated to produce this unique document. Using state-of-the-art computer mapping techniques, the Soil Atlas of Africa shows the changing nature of soil across the continent. It explains the origin and functions of soil, describes the different soil types that can be found in Africa and their relevance to both local and global issues. The atlas also discusses the principal threats to soil and the steps being taken to protect soil resources. The Soil Atlas of Africa is more than just a normal atlas. It presents a new and comprehensive interpretation of an often neglected natural resource. The Soil Atlas of Africa is an essential reference to a non-renewable resource that is fundamental for life on this planet.

Apresentação dos Trabalhos de Investigação

Informações sobre a apresentação: A apresentação deverá rondar os 15/20 minutos ; A apresentação deverá ser feita utilizando uma apresent...